Fly Fishing Hours
​ Fly fishing is permitted from 07:00 until 30 minutes after dusk.
2. Permit Type
All permits are catch and release with a limit of 1 or 2 fish dispatch per session, depending on the ticket purchased.
3. Lanyards
Lanyards and tags are mandatory to identify ticket purchase​ and must be visible at all times.
Season Ticket Holders: Black lanyard & orange tag, which will be retained for the season.
2-Fish dispatch Day Permit: Purple lanyard & tag.
1-Fish dispatch Day Permit: Red lanyard & tag.
4. Fishing Limits:
Fishing must cease once either the C&R limit or the dispatch limit is reached. (Whichever is first​)
5. Catch and Release Limit:
An 8-fish per pond limit applies to catch and release, including dispatched fish. Once the dispatch limit is reached, fishing must stop.
6. Hot Spot Sharing:
Avoid occupying popular fishing areas for excessive periods. Allow other anglers access after catching a reasonable number of fish.
7. Hooks:
Only barbless hooks or hooks with squashed barbs are allowed.
8. Landing Nets:
A long-handled, knotless landing net must always be used. Small river scoop nets are prohibited.
9. Prohibited Tackle:
Spinning flies and swivels are strictly forbidden.
10. Boat Fishing
Adhere to Boat Fishing rules as displayed in shed, including:-
Not standing while fishing from a boat.
Not trolling a line while boat is being moved.
11. ​​Rod Licenses:
All anglers must carry a valid EA license for inspection by NRW bailiffs.
12. Wading:
Wading is strictly prohibited for safety reasons.
13. Rod Usage:
Only one rod may be used at a time.
14. Site Restrictions:
Dogs and radios are not allowed on the reservoirs.
15. Vehicle Use:
Drive considerately on site and be mindful of residents at Reservoir House.
Vehicles must be parked within white lines.
All vehicles are left at owners risk.
16. Signing in sheets:
Complete the required information on the relevant signing in sheet before starting to fish.
17. Permit Payments:
Where payments have not already be made online via Clubmate, place the correct payment for permits or badges in an envelope and deposit it into the safe.
18. Catch Returns:
Ensure catch returns are recorded on signing in sheets after completing your fishing session.
19. Juniors:
Anglers under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
20. Angler Spacing:
Maintain a minimum 20-yard distance from other bank anglers unless otherwise agreed.
Boat anglers must stay at least 50 yards from bank anglers.
21. Compliance with Officials:
When requested by an authorised NRFFA bailiff, anglers must:-
Confirm permit payment and sign in.
Declare fish caught and dispatched by presenting their bag.
Allow inspection of flies in use.
22. Littering:
Discarding of litter (e.g. fishing line, cigarette ends, food wrappers, cans) is prohibited anywhere on site.
All litter must be taken home.
23. Stocking Restrictions:
Fishing will cease in designated areas during stocking until authorised by the stocking officer.
24. Non-Fishing Visitors:
Accompanying visitors must sign the Visitor’s Book.
25. Site Security Responsibilities:
The last angler to leave must ensure the hut and tearoom are locked.
26. Special Fish Species:
All fish other than Rainbow Trout must be returned to the water unharmed. (Brown Trout, Spartic Trout, Tiger Trout, Perch, Pike or other introduced hybrids may be photographed in the landing net, but these fish should not be removed from the water).
27. Fish Handling:
Handle trout with care when necessary.
Any hooked and bleeding fish must be dispatched and will count towards the bag limit.
For deep-hooked, non-bleeding fish, do not remove the hook. Cut the line close to the hook and release the fish.
Trophy pictures are discouraged.
​Non adherence to the rules could result in sanctions, including revoking of permits or membership
Happy fishing and tight lines!